March 7, 2010

A sweet sister sent this quote by Amy Carmichael to my family. It’s really encouraged me as I go through hard struggles or even just the everyday things. I hope this speaks to your heart as much as it does mine!
“All that grieves is but for a moment.
All that pleases is but for a moment.
Only the Eternal is important. A trial comes. It will pass. In a few days, or months, or years, we shall have forgotten it.
But the way we face that trial—our inner attitude towards it—belongs to things that are Eternal. All that we are, all that will ever be, in us and in others, in the entire universe—past, present, and future—is effected for all eternity by how we respond to temptations, or trials, or victories, or defeats.
The issues themselves are irrelevant. The eternal—how we respond in our inner hearts—those are the only things that matter. All else will pass and be forgotten and trivialized by time and space. It does not seem so now.
We feel, ‘If I could only have________.
If only this problem would go away, then_________.”
Yet, we must be reminded of what we know…
The pleasures pass. The trials, though they seem long and difficult, are a vapor. If we could have what we desire, or shed what we disdain, we would, with that attitude, only suffer dreadful loss in the Eternal realm.
The scriptures say, “He gave them their [demanding, insistent] request, but sent leanness into their soul.” Let us look to HIM and invest in the Eternal, not that which only passes away.” ~Amy Carmichael


Jenna said...

Wow, what a beautiful and encouraging quote! Thank you for sharing, my dear friend!

Your Sister In Christ,

Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I think I have been looking to much at the trial that I am going thru and I have shed so many tears in the past few weeks. Just tonight I was walking under the stars and I cried out to the Lord and told Him that I will not give up my faith and trust in Him, no matter what happens. The past few years have been hard going but I am still growing and some day like Him I will be.
When I put my faith and trust in the Lord I am never turning back I am looking forward and ever upward. Even if I do not see the reward for my faith I am not giving up! I need to see the past as the past and go on in the Lord! All these earthly things and desires are lost in the light of His glory and grace.
thanks again!
you are a blessing!