April 25, 2010

Finding Joy In Your Work......

Everyone has at least one chore or job that they really dislike doing. For me its cleaning Baby Girl’s cloth diapers. If you have ever had to wash out poopy cloth diapers you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you have not lets just say it quite unpleasant!

Recently I have been given an opportunity in growing in the area of enjoying my work.
Not just doing a job because it has to be done. But really taking enjoyment in what I’m doing and seeing it as an opportunity to be a servant.

With Baby Girl’s diapers I can be thankful that we can save money by using cloth, that she was born into this family, that Dad installed a wonderful huge sink in the laundry room to make cleaning easier, etc.

I have found that when I am content in what work I need to accomplish it is so much easier to find things to be thankful for, rather than only thinking about what a drudgery it is.

I’m learning to find joy even in Mondays! I haven’t liked Monday very much in the past because it is the beginning of another long, full week and the end of a restful Sunday. However, the Lord has encouraged me to be thankful for Mondays! They are the start to a wonderful week in which I can be a blessing to my family, enjoy the beautiful things the Lord made, and to learn new things!

It is really easy to enjoy something you like doing. But it a wonderful thing to be able to find joy in a task that isn’t your favorite!
My Dad once taught us that instead of having the attitude that we “have to do something” (i.e. work); say “we get to do……….”!
Like, this next week I get to wash Baby Girl’s diapers! Saying it this way changes that whole way you look at the work.

So, tomorrow is Monday…….I get to wake up and milk the goats, make breakfast, wash the dishes, file Dad’s paperwork etc! I’m going to be thankful for all that the Lord has provided me with.

Sisters, I encourage you to look at your work in a new way! Whether you are cleaning the house, mucking out the barn, washing the mountain of dishes or whatever jobs lay ahead of you, find joy and contentment in what is before you! Be thankful for all that the Lord has provided, instead of seeing it as a drudgery!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,
since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Col. 3:23-24

Do everything without complaining or arguing. Phil. 2:14


Hannah said...

Reminds me of "rainy days and mondays always get me down. . ." :) we have both today here in Michigan, it is raining and it is monday!
What you wrote is really encouraging. I try to think like that too. For me it is the mountain of dishes. . . "I get to do the dishes for my family!" Sometimes it is hard though. . .
And yes, it really is Jesus we are working for! If Jesus were to physically be here in the form of a man and asked me to wash the dished for Him, I know I would- and willingly! But Jesus really does ask me to do it for Him, so shouldn't I do it cheerfully and with a servants heart?
It is a great thing to keep in mind. . .
God bless you today Laura, as you are busy with all the things you GET to do!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! When I wrote my last comment I thought it was Monday and it is Sunday! oops!

Jenna said...

What a wonderful and encouraging post! Thank you so much for sharing those words with us, Laura.
You are exactly right. We need to be more thankful for everything we have and all the things we get to do.
I've awarded you with the Pure In Heart award over at my blog!
Have a blessed Lord's Day, my friend.

Your Sister In Christ,

Lindsay said...

Yes.... that's so true, Laura! This is definitely something I struggle with. Thanks so much for the encouragement! :)

~ Much Love,
Lindsay <3

Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

Thank you so much for the encouragement.
you are such a dear sister!

Lauren said...

Great post!
BTW... I'm going to be adding a bunch of links to my blog so I'll soon be able to link to yours!
Love you lots,

Anonymous said...

You know...recently I read something about a women who procrastinated and a counselor asked her,
"Do you like cake?" Her reply: "Yes"
How do you eat it? Her reply "Frosting First"
You do what you like best first don't you.
Her reply, "I suppose."
He questioned her further to find out that at her workplace she spent the first hour doing what she really liked, and agonized the remaining 6 because they were tasks she really didn't like. He told her to do what she didn't like first, knowing she had to get them done, and spend the remaining hours doing the tasks she really liked. (He called this "delayed gratification"; kind of interesting)
Mondays come first they can seem more unlikeable compared to the remaining; but once we hurdle it, the other six seem to fall more neatly into place- don't they?