April 28, 2010

I Got My First Award!!!

Jenna at Where the Heart Remains awarded me!!
Thank you so much Jenna!!!!!
I feel very blessed. :)

Here are the rules:

1. Post about the tag.

2. Choose 5 bloggers who deserve this award.

3. Leave a comment on the blogs of the people you tagged, letting them know they were awarded.

4. Answer the questions along with your post. (Omit questions you don't want to answer)


1. Apples, Oranges, or Bananas?
I guess I would have to say that Bananas are my favorite.
Especially if they are in banana bread!!!

2. How many siblings do you have?
I have 3 younger brothers and one baby sister!

3. Do you live on a prairie, woodland, city, or other?
We are surrounded by woods. So I guess that puts us in the woodland category.

What is something you enjoy doing with your family?
I really enjoy taking Sunday drives with my family!
We usually get some ice cream and drive around on the back roads. Right now is a beautiful time to this because the roads are just covered in wildflowers!

5. Is your room clean?
*Cough* Well it’s quite a mess right now. I’m in the middle of redecorating so it’s disorganized at the moment!

6. Italy, Greece, France, Spain, or England?
I’d love to visit all of these places, but I think England would be first choice.
It is so pretty there!

7. What is the scripture that encourages your the most?

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

8. Gum, chocolate, or jelly beans?
I like dark chocolate the most!
Jelly beans are my next favorite though.

9. What are your favorite types of books?
My favorite types of books are: Information books (books full of hints, medical books, herbal book and books on birth!), Mysteries and Historical books.

10. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Homemade vanilla with strawberries. :)

11. If you had to eat one type of food for two weeks, what would that food be?
I could eat salad for two weeks. As long as I had a verity of toppings to go on it! :)

12. Are you an outside or an inside person?
I LOVE to be outside! Especially if I have my camera with me.

13. Describe yourself in three words.
Sweet, Fun, Christ-Lover!

14. What chore do you like to do the most?
I would have to say that I really like washing the dishes.
I haven’t always liked doing them. But recently I have found it a good time to just be quite and think, pray, etc.

Now, I’d like to award:

Grace @ The Upper Road

Rachelle @ Going Against The Current

Schy @ All Other Ground is Sinking Sand

Lauren @ Wearing His Purity

Hannah Grace @ Hannah Grace's Blog
I hope everyone has a very blessed day!!!


Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

thanks Laura for awarding me! :)

Carmen and Rachelle said...

Wow! I feel so honored! Thank you so much! :D

Unknown said...

That's a fun tag to read, Laura. Thanks for posting! I was tagged as well but haven't posted it yet. Hope to do so soon. Blessings!

Jenna said...


I really enjoyed reading your answers. I love how you changed the questions up a bit.
Thank you for sharing, dear friend. You have such a sweet and pure heart!

Your Sister In Christ,

Sky said...

thanks so much for the award Laura..I noticed it a little late though..sorry.