April 6, 2010

Idle Hands vs. Helping Hands ~Part 2~

Here is the second part of the Ministry list!
(To read part one go here)

If you like to cook or bake:

~ Make a couple of meals (frozen or fresh) for a family who might have a sickness going around. Mommas are very tired during this time and don’t have a lot of time to think about what to cook.

~Or make meals when a new baby arrives. When Baby Girl was born several people brought meals to our house. It helped tremendously since Mom could not come down stairs for a week and I was very busy with the other household things.

~You could also bless a family with a meal or two if you hear that they have a very busy week ahead of them or if they are going on a trip. You could bless them with a freezer meal for when they get back. I know its always a hassle to figure out what to cook right when you get back from a trip.

~ Bake a birthday cake for a family who just had a baby. When Baby girl was born, a sweet sister brought us a cake their family had made for her. It was such a special gift!

~ Do the cooking for an elderly person/couple. The elderly have so much knowledge to give and usually they love people to come and visit. So what better way to build a relationship, than to help with their cooking! You could make up some dinners for them once a week that they could pull out of the freezer. The dollar store has cheap individual sized meal containers you could put their meals in. Be your own meals on wheels!

~ You could even make up a bunch of freezer meals for your own family. This is a great blessing to my mom, especially during the summer months when we are outside most of the day. Its really nice to be able to get a meal out of the freezer and go on with other things and have dinner ready in an hour! A great place to get freezer meals recipes is in the 30-Day Gourmet Cookbook ( http://www.30daygourmet.com/ )
Be sure and comment if you have any other ideas or if you were just blessed by it!
For Tomorrow: If you have a Heart for the Elderly

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