April 22, 2010

Pictures in the Blue Bonnets!

Every year we try to take picture in bluebonnets (Texas state flower by the way)
The first bluebonnet picture we have is one of just me when I was almost 2!

Looking at the past pictures makes me so thankful to have been blessed with my sweet siblings!!! I can imagine life without them. :)

Baby Girl trying to eat the Indian Paintbrushes

Me and my wonderful siblings!

My 3 sweet brothers.
Don't they look handsome?!

Baby Girl's new smile!
She loved being able to crawl around outside.

This patch of bluebonnets was huge!
I really like the yellow flowers as a contrast.

I love this guy so much!

This is my favorite group shot.
The place where this one on was taken had a beautiful creek running behind it!
(L-R) Little Man (5), Me (20), Baby Girl (7mon),
Sweet Guy (15) and Special Brother (10)

I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at. ~Maya Angelou


Shannon said...

Beautiful photos of the flowers and a lovely family.... Truly blessings that only the Lord can give...


Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

What beautiful pictures, of beautiful people! :)

Hannah grace said...

Aww Baby girl is so cute and i love her smile.:)

Jenna said...

Lovely photographs! Thank you for sharing, Laura!

Your Sister In Christ,

Unknown said...

Oh, the joys of spring! I love the pictures, Laura. Baby girl is soooo adorable. :-) Sorry for taking so long to reply to your comment on my giveaway post. A link in your sidebar to my blog will be fine. The giveaway has been extended to Saturday at midnight and the winner will be announced on Sunday! Hope you are having a blessed week!