I love spending time with Hannah and my brother!!!!
It is lovely to be with people who take enjoyment in the things around them,
who can find so much fun in the simple things in life!
In an age when life can be so complicated it is so refreshing just to simply have fun!!!
Here are some pictures we took one afternoon.
All we had was a camera, a pasture and ourselves!
(Sorry these pictures are so dark! We took them at dusk. Oops! )

This is my favorite one! :)

I like the cloud background!!

It was one of the first ones we took, but I still think it looks good. :)

I had to share this picture of Jeshuah and Baby Girl!
Aren't they sweet?!
Such happy babies!!!!
" To be happy with simple pleasures is no simple matter!"
Just looking at these makes me want a camera.looks like y'all had fun:)
It looks like you all had a wonderful time taking pictures! I love the first picture... So creative!
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. You are such a wonderful young lady, Laura!
Your Sister In Christ,
Just to relax and have fun with other brothers and sisters in Christ is so refreshing. Glad that you had a good time!
In a world where it seems people need so much to "make them happy", it's so refreshing to see other people having a wonderful time just being with each other in God's beautiful creation. :)
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