May 8, 2010

Please Pray.....

Would you please be praying for my family this week? We just learned that my grandpa (Mom’s Dad) passed away. It was very sudden and we are all a bit shook up about it.
I wasn’t really close to him because he lived so far away. But I’m still very sad about it. Mom is really upset right now. Please pray that she will have peace.
His funeral will be Monday or Tuesday.
I sorry this is a bit depressing with Mother’s Day coming up and all, but I really just needed to tell someone.
Thank you all so much for understanding!!


Lindsay said...

Oh... I will certainly keep you and
your family in my prayers, Laura!!

Hannah grace said...

I will be praying:)

Jennifer R said...

I cant imagine... Know that you are being prayed for! :)

Hannah said...

I am sorry to hear this. I will be keeping you and your family in prayer! And this is not depressing that you shared this just before Mother's Day. I am very glad you did.
God be with you all!

Unknown said...

Laura, I'm so sorry to hear that your grandpa passed away. this must be a difficult time for your family, I"ll be praying for you all. Hugs, Eden

Lauren said...

I'm so sorry... please pass along our regrets to your sweet mom.