Hello Everyone!
Sorry for the absence of posts this weekend!
This last week has been so busy, but very enjoyable!
On Thursday I was able to go and help a momma with a lot of little ones organize and clean her house for company.
Friday we had a wonderful time celebrating a friends birthday.
And Saturday was spent helping another sweet friend get ready for a fellowship time!
We had a great time being with them and another sweet family!
It was a very encouraging too be with other like minded people.
Anyway, that was my weekend!
I thought I'd share some rose pictures I took the other day!
I really liked this red one. It was as big as my hand!
When you see a rosebud, you know that if you are patient,
soon a beautiful flower will open up and be an enjoyment to all who see it!
But, if we are impatient about seeing this flower bloom we may force it to bloom to early by trying to open it our self instead of letting nature do it.
If this happens the bud is no longer an enjoyment to anyone, because it did not have the proper time to mature and grow.
I see young women this way as well.
If we are patient and let the Lord guide us and mature us in His own timing, we will bloom under His hand.
But if we are impatient about growing up or getting married or whatever, we will end up taking matters into our own hands and trying to force something to happen.
When this happens we take it out of the Lord's hand and we can no longer grow and mature how He had planned. We can end up blemished and broken. God can still fix a broken life, but think of how much time was lost just by our impatient acts.
So, with that being said let us as young women guard our hearts and give the Lord complete rule over our lives. Don't try to act older than you are, be humble and be open to learning. If you are still single, wait on the Lord for your husband. And wait patiently! Don't go "looking".
I think this can be applied to all areas of life really! If we try to make something happen. We usually end up with a big mess and lots of disappointments.
This can be big things like getting married or having a baby, to small things like trying to make a get together work or anything to fill a void in your life.
If it doesn't seem to be working out it is usually not the Lord's timing for it yet!
What beautiful rose photographs, dear friend!
The Lord's timing is SO perfect, isn't it?! I feel so blessed to have a Savior who is always watching me and providing for me. He is a wonderful God, indeed! :)
Have a blessed week!
Your Sister In Christ,
Thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm happy that you did, because it's always nice to find like-minded and almost-the-same-age young ladies. :-) I love the rose pictures, and especially your analogy. It is very true!
Thanks for the comment! Cute blog yourself!
I love taking pictures of roses too, and such beautiful thoughts about womanhood!
Very Beautiful! Have you ever opened up a rose bud and smelled it? I have, and it does not have any smell if any it is very faint. This is how our life will smell if we opened it up with our own hands. But if we wait patiently on God in His timing and by His Hand He will open us and we will be a sweet fragrance to Him and those around us. This is what God spoke to me a few years ago while out by the rose bush. It is so neat that you have had the same thoughts too! God's Love is so amazing! It reaches to the heavens and around the world. It touches hearts and brings them close even though they are far away.
Thanks for the encouragement dear sister
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