I love my siblings!!!!
I'm so glad the Lord gave them to me!

This is my Special Brother....
He was adopted into this family when he was 2 and now he is 10!!!
I love his sweet smile and the funny songs he makes up.
He is an avid reader and has recently shown a interest in nature (as you can tell by the picture!)

I chose this name for him because that is exactly his personality!!
You can usually find him with a old cell phone in his pocket and other office supplies not to far away. :)
He has a great interest in becoming a firefighter and loves to draw pictures to cheer you up!
He is five years old.

Baby Girl is such a blessing to our family!
Her smile lights up a room and she has recently started to babble. :)
She just turned 8 months old!!
I really never thought I'd have a sister, but the Lord had other ideas!!!

This is Sweet Guy......
He has been my closest friend and partner in crime. ;)
He turned fifteen this year! Wow! I'm getting really old!
I really enjoy spending time with him (we set aside Saturday nights to do something special together)!
He has a love for books as strong as my own!
And is a great human spell check! :)

So, there you have it, a bit about my sweet siblings!!!
We all have bad days but in the end I can't imagine life without them all!!!
Here are some fun quotes on siblings I found:
I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at. ~Maya Angelou
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you,as you are to them.~Desmond Tutu
If you want to know how your girl will treat you after marriage, just listen to her talking to her little brother. ~Sam Levenson
I thought the last one was good! :)
What do you enjoy about your siblings? Sometimes it they seem to be the hardest people to get along with. But I see it as such a great learning and growing experience for myself! Is there a special way you show your siblings you love them? Please share!!!!
Hope you are all having a restful day in the Lord!!
What a sweet post, Laura! Each of your siblings must feel so blessed to have you as their big sister.
I am so thankful for my two siblings. I have one older brother who is 16 years old, and one younger sister who is 3 years old! They are both so special to me.
Have a blessed day!
Your Sister In Christ,
How nice to see a peek into your siblings! I love the quotes you shared- thanks for spreading a little sibling love!
Siblings make such wonderful friends. Each of my siblings is so special to me in different ways! :) We love to play games together, sing and play instruments.... and lots of other things. Most of all just enjoying everyday life together is what I love. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to stay home with our siblings and actually get to know them! :)
What a beautiful and encouraging post, Laura!
I love my siblings; they're my best friends!
Thank you for sharing!
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