July 5, 2010

Can you Guess????

I have seen several other people do mystery pictures on their blogs and thought it might be fun to try, so.......
Can you guess what this is a picture of??????

One hint: it can grow to be very tall.......

I'll post the answer tomorrow. Can't wait to see if you can guess what it is!!!!!



Sky said...

aloe vera plant?

Sonja Langford said...

It wouldn't be Aloe Vera would it?

Unknown said...

I'm clueless, Laura! That's a tough one. Looking forward to the answer tomorrow!

Hannah Paige said...

Hey there! Sorry I never comment. I can barely find time to just read a blog much less comment!lol.

Let me think......Aloe Vera plant? Can't wait to see the answer!

~Hannah Paige